Media sales and sponsor acquisition
Media sales and sponsor acquisition are specializations in their own right. Specializations in which we have over forty years’ experience. You can have full confidence in the way our specialists handle these. We can ease the workload of finding advertisers and sponsors for your specialized media, events and other means of communication. We do this as your representative, your media ambassador.
Our way of working
Our approach is focused on building lasting relationships between advertiser and media channel. We listen very carefully to what is going on, and what the challenges and objectives of your potential and actual advertisers are. On this basis, we advise how they can spend their available budget as efficiently as possible.
If you decide to outsource your media sales and sponsor recruitment to us, you will be dealing with a driven team that will work hard to make your media successful. With over forty years’ experience and excellent contacts in the media world, you can be assured of maximum advertising revenue. Our account managers will maintain relationships, establish new contacts and keep you informed of developments in the market. Throughout the entire sales process, traffic and administration, we monitor progress and ease the workload for you.