CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable, client-oriented and innovative
Sustainable, client-oriented and innovative: these are the core values that lie at the heart of everything we do at Senefelder Misset. We realise these core values by maintaining a healthy balance between caring for our people, the environment and the profitability of our company. We believe this to be the only way in which we can offer our clients optimal quality of service, give our staff a pleasant working environment, collaborate effectively with our suppliers and minimise our environmental impact. We have an open, respectful and proactive corporate culture, which allows us to work together well and think from the point of view of our clients.
Environment: Ecobalance
Our company has been certified in accordance with ISO 14001, the standard for environmental management systems, and ISO 9001, the standard for quality assurance systems. Both systems reinforce each other, because high quality also leads to the reduced use of resources and less waste. In our management system, we use an Ecobalance to map out al incoming and outgoing streams. This includes monitoring our energy and resource use, the amount of solvents and water we use and our waste streams. In addition, all our printing is entirely IPA free.
Our cleaning agents are so-called K3 detergents (flashpoint above 55o C). To better manage our waste streams, we have taken steps to optimise different streams. We collect recyclable waste, hazardous waste and residual waste separately. Last but not least, we use EURO pallets instead of single-use pallets, thereby eliminating a major waste stream.
Our Ecobalance allows us to focus integrally on efficiency and reductions. Every year, we record our reduction targets for these parameters in the form of Key Performance Indicators. Our management team monitors these KPIs and will take additional measures if necessary.

Carbon footprint
As a printing company, we want to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible. This means our goal is to minimise our ecological footprint. Unfortunately, it is impossible to operate in a 100% carbon-free manner. For clients who prefer carbon-neutral products, we can offset their environmental impact by supporting or setting up wind and solar energy projects or planting trees.
We are also involved in several wonderful small-scale projects. If you would like to know more, we would be happy to discuss them with you. We can calculate the compensation across the entire production chain for you. The production of paper has the biggest environmental impact. The printing process, on the other hand, has a much smaller impact on the environment. Our calculation also incorporates the necessary transport movements. You will receive a certificate for this compensation.
FSC®/PEFC certified
Our production chain has also been audited and certified with regard to the use of paper that is certified in accordance with the guidelines of the FSC® or the PEFC. FSC and PEFC are international organisations that advocate sustainable and responsible forest management. Responsible forest management is about accounting for the ecological, social and economic aspects of forest management.
We want to offer our clients the option to use paper made from wood that comes from sustainably managed forests and verified sources. We have therefore adopted the most prominent Chain of Custody systems in this regard: FSC® (certificate number SCS-COC-000970 with logo licence number FSC-C01818) and PEFC (certificate number SCS-PEFC/COC-006291 with logo licence number PEFC/30-31-151).
Both systems for sustainable forest management are accepted in the context of the Dutch purchasing policy as evidence of the fact that the wood used was produced in a demonstrably sustainable manner.

Chain responsibility
We also have chain responsibility embedded within our management system. We frequently talk to our suppliers to discuss ways in which we can implement improvements in our production process. This may concern everything from technological innovations to chemical compositions and the efficiency of transport movements. For example, we work together closely with the postal service to improve the efficiency of processing processes and transport movements and ensure trucks are optimally loaded. This all forms part of our supplier assessment system.
Employees: competences
Our employees possess the necessary competences to maintain our high standard of quality. We devote a lot of attention to practical training and technical support. We organise periodical toolbox meetings to discuss such topics as working with hazardous substances, occupational health & safety within our company and the use of personal protective equipment.
We safeguard the diversity of our staff by having our HR department bring the position of minorities to the attention of supervisors during recruitment and selection processes and the retention of our employees. We strive to eliminate prejudice among both our supervisors and colleagues on the work floor. Furthermore, we work to maintain an organisational culture in which everyone can feel at home and we strive to satisfy the wishes and needs of all our staff.
Local initiatives
Senefelder Misset is a company that employs many local people. If possible, we support local initiatives. We enjoy working with local businesses; on the one hand, because we benefit from the increased speed, flexibility and accessibility and, on the other hand, because we want to support our “neighbours.” We also sponsor the soccer club de Graafschap, proudly supported by many of our staff.

Innovation and technological developments
Because more and more clients choose to print addresses directly on the cover of their product, we can now offer maximum flexibility. In addition to our regular stapling lines, our Ferag stapling machine features advanced inkjet equipment to optimise the process of printing addresses. Printing addresses directly on the cover reduces packaging waste – not just for us, but also in the homes of consumers!
We have also invested in state-of-the-art platesetters. This has reduced our use of chemicals and the amount of waste produced by the manufacturer of the plates by 45%. With these new platesetters, we no longer need printing drying ovens. This has resulted in a significant reduction of our energy consumption.
Energy-saving plan
Our multi-year energy-saving plan outlines a range of measures we intend to take. To date, we have already implemented the following measures:
- LED lighting and automated switches
- Smart systems (e.g. ventilation feed)
- Energy-efficient/variable-frequency motors
- Heat recovery during the drying process of our rotation printing
- Heat recovery in various air treatment units